Women's Golf

GA Women In Golf Charter

Welcome to WOMEN'S GOLF

Welcome to the Women's page for the Murrumbidgee Country Club (MCC). Our Club is very much committed to Women's Memberships and has been so since inception.

If you are looking for a club to join, we would love to have you come and play with us! Call in and we will gladly show you around. We are known in the region as the ‘friendly’ club and we try hard to maintain that status.
We welcome all new golfers and will do everything we can to make you feel comfortable and help you through those early stages of learning to play.
If you need more help with your game….one of our Golf Professionals can set, you on the right track!
The women at MCC are proud of our Club and the leading role it has played with regard to equality for women golfers since inception some 27 years ago. At that time when equality on the golf course was a rarity, MCC offered women full memberships (as opposed to an Associate status) and was the first and only club in the region to allow women members the opportunity to run their own competition on a Saturday … and this legacy continues.

Today, women at MCC can enjoy playing competitive golf for six days of the week if they so choose to:

Our Tuesday women’s field currently attracts up to 55 women, participating in either an 18-hole competition or a 9-hole competition. Our Saturday fields can range between 25 – 40 women members.
We are an inclusive club that is proud to have had women on our Board for more than 25 years. With a growing membership, MCC aims to provide a premium golf and membership experience for male and female golfers of all ages.

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