Social Groups


Social Golf Groups are most welcome at Murrumbidgee Country Club.

We allocate tee times between 7.30am and 8.30pm on most Sunday mornings for groups between 16 and 40 players. Tee times can be made by arrangement on other days of the week, but generally not on a Wednesday or a Saturday due to the volume of players in our members competitions.

Applications for bookings are to be made through the General Manager. Approvals are given on completion of our Annual program which is generally finalised in November after the for the club and district events have been finalised. The club is endeavouring to bring this process forward to enable social groups to plan their annual calendar earlier. Therefore, it is recommended that applications are lodged with the club at least by the end of September.

Preference is given to applications in order of receipt. To apply, requests must be by made to Scott Elias by completing the form on this page.